
Saturday, April 30, 2011

108 of 365 A Gooey Situation

If you were or are a gymnast, dancer or cheerleader you will understand this picture

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Friday, April 29, 2011

107 of 365...Very Important PSA for Coffee Drinkers!!!

Yesterday Geek Boy and I stopped at McDonald's to get some coffee. Normally I go to Starbucks for coffee, but times are tough so we're down sizing.

Geek Boy ordered himself a large black coffee and a carmel frappuccino for me. We get to the drive up window and they gave me a carmel cappuccino. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but Diva is a little tired of being taken advantage of so I voiced my concern in the matter and told them I ordered a carmel FRAPPUCCINO.

Next thing I know the gentleman who took our order came up to the window and said that it's called a FRAPPE and that's why he thought we wanted a cappuccino. He explained next time we needed to make sure we said FRAPPE.

So to all my coffee loving friends who will be going to McDonald's, make sure you say FRAPPE and not frappuccino.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

106 of 365...Call It A Day

My absolute favorite time of the day...

Cell phones get turned off for the evening. TV gets turned off for at least an hour. I go to bed and read until 10 pm. This is what keeps me quiet time.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

105 of 365...Cardiologist Needed

The below picture is chicken fajita meat drenched in butter and wrapped in a tortilla!!!! And this is how cardiologists stay in business!!!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

104 of 365...Happy Hour???

Think my cat is trying to tell me he's thirsty??

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

103 of 365...$1,500

$1,500 and all I got was this lousy uniform

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102 of 365 New Bedroom Toy

Don't be jealous. Not everyone can have a router and access point thingy in their bedroom. My man sure knows how to push my

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Monday, April 18, 2011

101 of 365...Junk In My Trunk

This is what the mechanic found when he opened my trunk to find my wheel locks. He politely comes to the waiting area and says, "Ms. Diva, do you happen to know where the wheel locks are in the trunk?"
You know what he was REALLY thinking, "Hey filthy slob can you move around all the junk so I can do my job and charge you $450 for a brake job that should only cost $150."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

100 of 365 My Week in Review

This week has been full of a roller coaster of emotions. I've felt sad, I have felt mad, I've felt used and now I'm just numb.

If you read my blog last Sunday, I was in a very dark place as a parent. Things have gotten better but I'm still not 100% there. Our family was hit with a financial blow last Sunday.

In March, my oldest daughter tried out and was accepted on a Select Basketball team. The cost to put her on the team was $1500...yes it is a lot of money but we were willing to make the investment if it meant she would have a better chance to play basketball in 8th grade. There aren't any recreational teams in her age bracket (or if there are, I haven't found any) so Select Basketball was the only way to go.

To make a long story short, the coach/head director of this team has basically taken about $13,000 and has spent all of the money. Not on uniforms...not on tournaments...not on the team. He has made lots of promises to the parents and girls but has not followed through with one.

Some say I should sue. I have no money to sue. There was no contract to sign just a lot of verbal promises. I have learned a valuable lesson and now know what to look for in a Select team. Of course there will be no team this summer as I have no more money to move my daughter to another team.

I have thought about contacting the local media but don't really know if I even want to go down that road.

So, yes, I'm in a funk. I'm so disappointed that someone could screw with the lives of 13-15 families and just not even think twice.

Monday, April 11, 2011

99 of 365 Look Mom...No Hands

This child cracks me up!!!!

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98 of 365 If Looks Could Kill

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

97 of 365...I Feel

No picture today. Just a blog on how I feel right now. At this very moment in time.

As a parent I feel...

1. Mad
2. Hurt
3. Used
4. Ungrateful
5. Unappreciated
6. Overworked
7. Sad
8. Spent
9. Hormonal
10. Worn out
11. Crazy

Without divulging a bunch of information, I have been in a slump this weekend. Probably one of my lowest points in a long time as a parent. I have to come to some hard decisions and it sucks. I don't like being the bitch mom. I want my kids to be happy and like me, but I guess that's the number one rule to parenting: You can't be your child's friend.

I want my children to appreciate me. I want them to say thank you once in a while. I want them to tell me they love me. I want them to affirm what a good mom I am. Other people tell me, why can't that just say it (total sarcasm tone)?

These are the words I pray for...

"Mom thank you for staying up late and getting up early this weekend to attend our extracurricular activites. I appreciate the time and money you and dad have spent so we are able to pursue my ambition. We will work harder and show you how much we want this. Mom thank you for cooking us breakfast this morning and making sure everything is packed ready to go for my game. Mom thank you for standing up for me this week when school wasn't going so great. Mom thank you for allowing me to spend time with my friends after school and rearranging your schedule so I can do that. Mom thank you for driving me to physical therapy so my ankle can get better. I promise to do my part and exercise during non-therapy days because it will only help me in soccer and basketball."

And she just said to me, "Mom where's MY Nutella?"

I know this is pretty self loathing and as a parent I just need to get over myself, but this is how I feel. Right or wrong. And I needed to get it out. I know I'm not alone and should feel blessed with what all I have, but my emotions are raw right now and I am hurting!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

96 of 365 Whataguy

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

95 of 365...I'm A Dummy

I got a camera awhile back and have never figured out how to use it. I bought it mostly for taking action shots when the girls are doing gymnastics and basketball. I also want to take a photography class so my pictures can look semi professional. Then I want to take a class on Photoshop to learn how to slim my body down and make me a size 5...LOL

Anyway, the camera is a beast and I am lost. Yes, I could read the instruction manual but there are certain things the manual assumes you know like IOS and RAW photos. To me RAW photos sound porno like and I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean.

So I bought this book to read and it will hopefully help me use the camera to its full potential. My goal is to learn how to work the camera by the summer so I can take a class at the local community college.

94 of 365 Empty

My dashboard kind of sums up how I have felt lately. I accidentally took this picture. When I was reviewing photos on my phone, I realized several things on my dashboard represent how I feel.

By the weekend, my tank is on empty. I can barely move more than 0 mph. And I feel like I have been running all over town racking up 58,000 miles.

93 of 365 Drill Baby Drill...

Absolutely insane!!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

92 of 365...This Little Piggy Went OUCH

First of all this is not another picture of my foot. My co-worker was kind enough to let me take this picture for my photo of the day. She had to have a surgical procedure done on her toe.

As you can tell, we have a laid back work environment. Where else can you go into work, prop your bare foot on the desk, turn on the TV and eat Schlotzky's (sp?)?

Monday, April 4, 2011

91 of 365...Wedges

So about a week before our trip to South Carolina, my friend posted a picture of some wedges she bought online. I, too, have a pair of wedges and immediately decided to pack them and wear them on the town one night in South Carolina.

So here we are in our wedges...

I think our husbands thought we were smoking crack when we decided to wear our wedges out to dinner. Both of them had to hold our hands to make sure we didn't fall. We both walked like teenage girls when they first attempt to wear heels.

So when we got home we decided we were much more comfortable in these...

90 of 365...Surgeon General's Warning

Should I send this picture to Barack???

Sunday, April 3, 2011

89 of 365 Dog Days of Spring

We took Minnie to the dog park for the first time this year. I was experimenting with my new camera. I really need to take a class on how to use this beast...

88 of 365 If You Give a Diva a Cookie...

She will be one happy Diva!!!

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87 of 365 Fall Down and Go Boom Part 2

Yep I fell again. This time walking up the stairs. Yep same knee I hurt last week. Geek Boy told me he is going to buy me one of those First Alert necklaces. The ones where you push a button when you fall and can't get up!!!
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Friday, April 1, 2011

86 of 365 You Go Granny

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About Me

I live in Texas with my wonderful husband, 2 daughters, 2 cats and 1 dog. There is never a dull moment in our house.