
Monday, February 28, 2011

58 of 365 My GBF

I miss him soooo much.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

55 of 365 Bend Over

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

54 of 365 The Other Woman

She even sits in his lap!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

53 of 365 Pull Over

This picture was taken this morning at my daughter's school. It was freaking hilarious but if I were the one to get pulled over IN THE SCHOOL PARKING LOT, I would be mortified and my daughter would probably make me transfer her out of that school.

So even though I have backed into my own children and dragged a few orange cones in the school parking lot, I have NEVER gotten pulled over in the actual parking lot.

52 of 365 Detour Ahead

I took this picture outside my office window. About once a month a truck gets stuck trying to pull into the parking lot. It it quite amusing to watch and see how many people it takes to get the struck straightened out and moved out of the road. Several times police officers have stopped by to ticket the driver.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

51 of 365 Got Pot???

Think it's time to throw away the paper plates that are catching the water and buy a new pot?

50 of 365 Brown Bagging It...

...zebra style.

Today I did something very unusual. I took my lunch to work and ate in my office. Normally I insist on going out to lunch just so I can get away for an hour and forget all of the stressful things that happened in the morning. Now that things have really settled down at the office, it was nice to bring my lunch and read my book. Not only did I save about $10 today, I probably saved about 10,000 calories.

Monday, February 21, 2011

49 of 365 Under Construction

I feel like certain parts of my life are always under construction. Seems lately several relationships I've had with various people have been torn down and I'm slowly trying to rebuild new relationships with new people. It's HARD because I don't allow too many people to get close to me. Some people may think that if they screw up in my eyes then they have no chance at forgiveness. I guess that is true to some extent. At this point in my life I'm just too busy to have BS all around me. I really start to analyze whether the relationship is really worth pursuing and in most cases, it's usually not.

My marriage is one of those relationships that was under a lot of construction and more often than not, I didn't think it was worth pursuing. But my heart has changed in the last couple of years. I'm so glad that our foundation has been built and we are working together to build a happy home and life for our family. Marriages are always under construction so I like to say that it's a work in progress type of construction.

48 of 365 New Bible

This is my new Life Application Study Bible. I LOVE IT!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

47 of 365 Don't Mock the Mock Test

For those of you who don't live in Texas, this photo will need some explanation. When kids start Kindergarten in this state, the teachers have to start preparing them for the TAKS test. Please note that the students don't actually take the TAKS test until 3rd grade. Every aspect of school work and activities revolve around the TAKS test. The teachers live and breathe TAKS test. The students are always taking bench mark testing often called MAP test and then they'll take a Mock test to see how far they've progressed. At that time if the scores are low then the students will mostly like be sent to tutoring to help them pass the TAKS test.

As a parent it's very challenging to keep up with all the testing because I have to know when to NOT throw my children Pop Tarts or cold cereal at them for their breakfast. Usually the mornings of the test I will get up and COOK breakfast because somehow making eggs are going to stimulate their brain cells and they're going to score much higher. Or so I thought...

Earlier this week my youngest daughter took a reading Mock TAKS test. She scored a 100 on the test!!!! Guess what she had for breakfast? COCOA PEBBLES CEREAL!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

46 of 365 Happy Belated Birthday, Mom

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. It's been a long time since I've been with her to celebrate her special day. This picture was taken and emailed to me so technically I didn't take the picture but I still had to share.

I think I have the best mom in the world. Being a parent now, I realize what a great foundation my mom and dad built for me. I wasn't the easiest child to handle (especially during the teenage years) but my mom stuck by me and loved me unconditionally. Being the wife of a military man and a long haul truck driver, she was often left to raise 3 children herself and I think she did a pretty good job of juggling things around. Me and my siblings turned out pretty darn well.

Now that I'm raising a teenager, I often catch myself yelling into thin air, "I'm sooooo sorry for what I put you through, mom." And hoping she can hear me 2,000 miles away. I never knew just how annoying eye rolls could be until I had my own daughter.

Growing up my mom and dad always made sure we had food on the table, clothes on our back and a loving home. I can never think of a time when we had to do without something. At the time I probably didn't seem very grateful but as an adult I truly appreciate all of the scarifices she and my dad made for us.

She raised the bar high for me as a parent. I really try to raise my daughters how I was raised and make sure they are never in need of anything. I want my husband and I to be role models for my children just as my parents were for me.

I can only hope that I pass on the torch to my daughter's and they can continue the legacy of raising great kids.

Happy Birthday, mom. I love you!!!!

45 of 365 Be My Valentine

Most of the people who know me very well know I'm not a romantic mushy gushy person. I don't really see what all the fuss about Valentine's Day is, but I'm in the minority in my family. My husband has given up on buying me fancy gifts a mushy throw up cards. At some point when our kids were very small, he started buying them little gifts for Valentine's Day. They look forward to it each year. This year my husband left for work and came home about the time I was taking the girls to school to surprise them with their gift. My oldest is not in the picture because she was getting all jazzed up to see her "real" Valentine at school.

44 of 365 Ice Cream Ice Cream We All Scream For Ice Cream

There is only one sound in the entire world that brings my children out of their TV, iPod, laptop induced comas and that sound is the music of the ice cream truck coming through our neighborhood...

Hard to believe that a week ago we were dealing with record low temperatures and now the ice cream truck is showing up in our neighborhood.

43 of 365 Another Season Done

As a mom of two girls, I wear many hats at various times of the year. The hat that I love to wear most is the Gymnastics Mom and Basketball Mom hat. Fortunately I get to watch my youngest participate in gymnastics year round, but only get to watch my oldest play basketball 10 weeks out of the year.

This year she tried out of the Jr. High basketball team and was accepted on the "A" team. It was a rocky season, but the team finally pulled together the last 3 or 4 weeks and ended up winning 2nd place in their bracket.

On another exciting note, my daughter decided she wants to try out for a select team. Her Jr. High coach seems to think she will make the team. She will be attending try outs for the next 3 Saturdays. Please pray that she does well and pray she doesn't reinjure her ankle during try outs.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

42 of 365 Scraping Ice White Trash Style

I actually took these photos over a week ago and never posted them. See in Texas it doesn't really snow or ice over too much so we are very unprepared for this kind of weather. After staying home from work for two days, I decided to try and drive to work. I warmed up my car for over 30 minutes and the ice was not melting so my dear husband decided he could help...

Yes...those are flip flops he's wearing in 10 degree weather. Yes...those are plastic shovels (we used those at the beach a year ago) he's using to scrape the ice. No...I didn't not make it to work that day.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

41 of 365 Orgasm In A Bottle...Fake or Real????

So this is the latest and greatest craze in hair product. My hairstylist raves about this stuff and used it in my hair last week. I have to admit, I liked how my hair looked but doesn't your hair always look good when the hairstylist does it? So anyway, today she finally got this fantastic product in and announced it on Facebook to all of her clients. I told her I would be by the salon to buy a bottle. Then I asked how much. I won't disclose the price just because I don't want people to think I'm totally crazy for shelling out that kind of money for powder. But my statement to her when she texted me the price was, "This product better give me an orgasm when I put it on my hair!!!!"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

40 of 365 What A Hoe

Still trying to figure out why my boss has a hoe in her office???

39 of 365 Up In Smoke

Yesterday when I was driving to work, there was a HUGE warehouse fire. The smoke was awful and when I drove home at 4 pm, the building was still smoldering. Just driving through the smoke, I had a hard time breathing so I can't even imagine people having to breathe the air constantly in the surrounding area

By the way, I wouldn't recommend taking a picture while driving...LOL

Monday, February 7, 2011

38 of 365 Stuck

This is how I feel right now when it comes to work...

I really wish I enjoyed my job more. One of these days I'll figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

37 of 365 My Home Away From Home

This is where I spend about 7 hours a week...

This is where I spend most of my paycheck...

But it's all worth it for this...

36 of 365 If Gymnastics Were Easy They'd Call It Football

My youngest daughter competed in her first qualifying gymnastics competition. Her scores were the following: Vault-9.0 Bars-8.80 Beam 8.70 Floor-9.40. Her team placed 4th in the overall competition and have their own banner hanging up in the gym now. She told me her proudest moment yesterday was when her coach fist bumped her after the floor routine. It was amazing to see the smile on my daughter's face when she realized totally nailed the routine. I didn't get many pictures because I worked the event and no flash photography can be done while the gymnasts compete.

Here she is eating her healthy breakfast:

Here she is with all of her ribbons and medal.

Friday, February 4, 2011

35 or 365 You Might Be A Redneck If....

Two guesses where this picture was taken....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

34 of 365 Boredom Has Set In....

This is what happens when children are stuck inside for 2 days due to ice...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

33 of 365 No Pop Tarts or Cereal Today

For some strange reason I got the cooking bug today. I made this for brunch

Then I threw in a slab of ribs in the crock pot and cooked all day. They fell of the bone and everyone LOVED them.

And last but not least, we sat at the table as a FAMILY and ate dinner. This is a very rare occassion.

I told Mr. Kindle I needed to take a break from our relationship. I did sneak away for a little "nooner" and then quickly started cleaning the house. So the house is clean, the kids are fed, and all is calm in our house. I may go ahead and light a candle and call up Mr. Kindle to see if he's up for some action tonight...LOL

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

32 of 365 I'm Having An Affair

...with my Kindle

It's bad...and someone must stop me. Today was an ice day in Texas. I did some work and answered a few emails. When I started reading at 3:30 this afternoon, I was only 11% through this book. I'm now 64% finished with no end in sight.

I did manage to cook dinner, but no house cleaning got done. My kids pretty much took care of themselves. My husband seems to have quit his affair with his iPad and here I am doing the same thing!!! It's disgraceful I tell you.

Oh's 9 degrees here and my bed and Kindle are calling again. I must succumb to my love.

About Me

I live in Texas with my wonderful husband, 2 daughters, 2 cats and 1 dog. There is never a dull moment in our house.